

Support and manage the financial health of the business.


Level 1

(Beginner) Can demonstrate a theoretical understanding of budgets and financial reporting.

Level 2

(Novice) Is learning the practice of how to effectively track and provide feedback on project finances, with support and guidance from colleagues.

Level 3

(Intermediate) Can create budgets, monitor spend, manage invoicing & payments, and produce updates on the financial status of projects.

  • Creates and maintains a budget report from project initiation.

  • Monitors spend throughout the project.

  • Reports on project spend, including projected delivery dates and/or burndown.

  • Sets up invoices in the accounting system.

  • Checks status of client payments in the accounting system.

Level 4

(Expert) Is adept at continuously monitoring, reporting on, and improving the financial impact of projects and teams with senior stakeholders.

  • Suggests, co-ordinates and executes on financial improvements to processes.

Level 5

(Master) Optimises the financial success of the organisation's business model, leading performance improvements that measurably enhance efficiency, productivity and profitability.

  • Oversees the budget process, including collecting the inputs, and comparing the company’s actual performance against estimates in the budget.

  • Establishes, maintains and updates accounting policies and procedures.

  • Translates the operational metrics into measures for financial performance, using tools such as the balanced scorecard.

  • Communicates both the company’s expected and actual financial performance.

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