
Start with the problem

PMs are most directly responsible for ensuring their teams live and breathe this principle. To do it well, you must have a stubborn focus on understanding, refining, articulating the problem (or opportunity) your team is solving. When done well, the whole team is oriented around the problem and able to explain it themselves. And the PM ensures this understanding and articulation is continually evolved and improved.

Start with the problem

Level 1

Gathers inputs to define a problem. Able to create simple problem statements. Contributes to, rather than drives, problem articulation and alignment.

Level 2

Synthesises inputs from various sources to craft a single narrative. Demonstrates clarity when articulating the problem and aligning the team to the problem. Meticulously ensures Intermissions are up to date.

Level 3

Articulates a problem statement, including complex ones, with exceptional clarity. Continues to refine understanding of the problem as we learn more. Meticulously ensures Intermissions and Winning Strategies are up to date.

Level 4

Clearly articulates the most ambiguous problem spaces, across a range of product areas and use cases into coherent narratives Continues to refine understanding of the problem as we learn more. Meticulously ensures Intermissions and Winning Strategies are up to date.

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