

Advocate for a shared understanding of the needs and concerns of users, customers or audiences.


Level 1

(Beginner) Can demonstrate a theoretical understanding of human-centred design.

  • Begin with people

  • Understand business challenges by speaking with customers / audiences

  • Help build empathy for their needs, goals and ambitions with business stakeholders

  • Align customer needs to business opportunities

  • Don't over-evangelise user needs that don't deliver business value (Pro-tip)

Level 2

(Novice) Considers the needs of users, customers or audiences in their work.

Level 3

(Intermediate) Investigates or seeks a deeper understanding of the needs of the users, customers or audiences of their work.

Level 4

(Expert) Establishes genuine empathy and appetite amongst colleagues and clients for the needs of the users, customers or audiences of their products & services.

Level 5

(Master) Builds long-term advocacy amongst others to act on the needs of users, customers or audiences in their work.

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