

The ability to successfully acquire customers for a business, using tools where appropriate.


Level 1

Understands the basics of acquisition, the core strategy behind it, and how it relates practically across the channels used in the organisation.

  • Channel understanding & expertise: You understand the various channels used in the organisation and how each of them relates to the customer journey.

  • Content marketing: You understand the basics of content marketing. You work alongside senior colleagues to produce content.

  • Conversion rate optimisation: You have a basic knowledge of CRO. You are able to optimise landing pages and website layouts.

Level 2

Is able to analyse and contribute to current acquisition strategy on a basic level.

  • Channel understanding & expertise: Your in depth knowledge of the channels used by the organisation allows you to identify and resolve issues that present. You can assist in mapping the customer journey and identifying gaps that appear.

  • Content marketing: You can create content, recognising its importance to the organisation's marketing strategy.

  • Conversion rate optimisation: You have a good understanding of CRO and can analyse data to understand the customer journey. You can develop hypotheses about how to improve conversion rates and communicates these to relevant stakeholders.

Level 3

Comprehensively understands the current organisation acquisition strategy, is able to identify gaps within it and optimise as appropriate.

  • Channel understanding & expertise: You have a deep knowledge of how marketing channels work together, and are able to articulate when an opportunity is best suited for one channel or another. You can reliably spot gaps in customer journeys where new channels might be needed, and can test new channels that enter the marketplace as to their suitability for the organisation.

  • Content marketing: You create engaging, compelling and wide ranging content. You have a clear understanding of the needs of different audiences and how to communicate with them effectively.

  • Conversion rate optimisation: You lead CRO initiatives, with an expert knowledge of how to apply CRO principles within the broader digital marketing strategy. You are able to collect and analyse various data sources that affect conversion rates, and is confident speaking about them externally.

Level 4

Is able to lead wide ranging acquisition projects, connecting relevant teams, ensuring data based optimisation at all times.

  • Channel understanding & expertise: You take ownership of channel strategy for the organisation. You are across industry and market fluctuations, using you experience and expertise to look for and test new approaches.

  • Content marketing: You are able to create content that drives traffic and results for the organisation. You create innovative content that builds reputation, has an eye for detail, and can delegate responsibility for different parts of projects.

  • Conversion rate optimisation: Is an expert on CRO. Mentors junior colleagues to better optimise the customer journey for conversion, collating a wide range of data sources to inform decision making.

Level 5

Leads the organisation on acquisition strategy & optimisation.

  • Channel understanding & expertise: You direct the entire acquisition strategy across multiple channels at scale, with deep understanding of each channel's limitations and how they work together.

  • Content marketing: You are an expert on developing customer loyalty through high quality content.

  • Conversion rate optimisation: You leads the organisation in all aspects of CRO strategy, including guiding other departments on how their efforts affect overall conversion rates.