
Bias to Action

Comfort with making decisions effectively and efficiently, and trying over planning

Bias to Action

Level 1

Accepts responsibiity and is positive in the face of fast-moving situations.

Level 2

Able to move effectively and efficiently when directed, offering support or owning problems as they appear and looking to solve them. Doesn't ever shirk responsibility.

Level 3

A known 'doer' – when in their hands, things get done. Blaming externalities isn't an option, and their focus is always on trying over debating.

Level 4

Runs effective and efficient teams. Able to seemingly move mountains to get things done. Looks for opportunities to move faster, more efficiently or cut unnecessary blockers to progress. Incredibly resourceful.

Level 5

Is able to look across multiple teams, bringing alignment and helping them move at speed. Works with product peers to define roadmaps and ascertain if work is even required. Is able to present and discuss work at all levels including Office. Motivates and inspires team to produce work of high quality.