
Building Career Confidence

The ability to develop a career plan and to confidently make decisions in line with that career plan.

Building Career Confidence

Level 1

Understands their strengths, weaknesses and is able to work on them.

  • Career planning: You are able to identify a few career choices and some pros and cons of each.

  • Celebrating your wins: You are aware of the importance of celebrating success.

  • Continuous learning: You have a basic understanding of the need for continuous learning and development.

  • Pushing outside your comfort zone: You understand the need to step out of your comfort zone to be more confident at work.

Level 2

Knows what they want in the future and is actively working on the steps to get there. Has a plan that they can articulate confidently.

  • Career planning: You are able to make decisions about your career, develop a timeline for achieving your goals, and research the steps needed to get there.

  • Celebrating your wins: You can identify large and small wins and can recognise them as a stepping stone to bigger accomplishments.

  • Continuous learning: You are able to identify what your learning needs are, and seek out training to fill those needs.

  • Pushing outside your comfort zone: You're eager to learn more about topics outside your comfort zone, and put aside time to learn about them.

Level 3

Has a dynamic and compelling plan for their future, and can articulate it in a compelling way to others. Has a deep understanding of themselves and understands how this impacts their future.

  • Career planning: You are able to make decisions about your career without much guidance or input from others based on a clear and coherent plan. You are able to determine what skills you need in order to take the next step in your career.

  • Celebrating your wins: You are able to identify and celebrate significant achievements, both for yourself and others contributing to a celebratory environment.

  • Continuous learning: You are able to identify what the need for training is within the organisation, and work with others to develop a plan to address those needs.

  • Pushing outside your comfort zone: You're comfortable putting your hand up for projects or tasks outside of your comfort zone.

Level 4

Is able to help others identify what they want out of life, and has helped many people find the right path for themselves.

  • Career planning: You are able to constantly iterate on your career plan, whilst continuously moving forward in a structured manner.

  • Celebrating your wins: You openly share your own successes with the team in order to inspire them. You draw on the strengths of others in order to create a celebratory atmosphere.

  • Continuous learning: You lead the way with continuous learning, constantly identifying gaps in your knowledge and seeking to fill them. You can recognise when others are not meeting their personal development goals, and advise them on how they can get back on track.

  • Pushing outside your comfort zone: You're the go-to person on your team for projects and tasks that don't necessarily fall within your remit.

Level 5

Is known as an expert at helping people identify what they want out of life, and has helped many people find the right path for themselves.

  • Career planning: You're an expert on understanding what opportunities exist for your own career development, and can help others within the organisation identify opportunities.

  • Celebrating your wins: You recognise the need for celebration within teams and provide the space for it. You celebrate achievements with an infectious enthusiasm that spreads to others in the team.

  • Continuous learning: You are the organisational expert in continuous learning - publicly setting the standard, whilst driving the importance for the entire organisation.

  • Pushing outside your comfort zone: You relish the opportunity to push beyond your comfort zone, regularly putting yourself forward to take on new challenges, and showing other members of the team the value in doing so.