
Culture and Togetherness

The ability to bring groups together and foster a happy and productive environment

Culture and Togetherness

Level 1

Is conscious of signalling, and tries to act as they would expect other team members to act. Works to develop good positive relationships. Participates in team activities.

  • Setting an example: You act as you would expect others more junior than you to act, including working hours, timeliness, and using learning and development budgets.

  • Encouraging diverse opinions: You actively contribute to diversity and inclusion discussions. You support and champion efforts towards a fairer safer workplace.

  • Developing personal relationships: You have good personal relationships with peers, senior colleagues and team.

Level 2

Actively signals according to behaviour they want to see. Keeps a cool head around others even in stressful situations. Is involved in the planning and organising of team activities.

  • Setting an example: You state your expectations of how your team should work and act, then demonstrate those expectations yourself. You ask for feedback on your signalling and make a changes where appropriate.

  • Encouraging diverse opinions: You help to organise and activate efforts towards a fairer, more diverse and safer workplace.

  • Developing personal relationships: You invest in the relationships you are fostering with your team. You respect the sanctity of pastoral care and 1:1 time. You don't cancel and are never late.

Level 3

Works to build and document behaviours they expect to see. Has trusted relationships with both junior colleagues and peers, and can describe where the organisation is strong or needs development. Organises regular team activities.

  • Setting an example: You make an effort to document a cultural charter for your team, which you cite regularly and stick to rigorously. If you break your rules, you expect to be called out.

  • Encouraging diverse opinions: You're leading efforts to improve diversity in your everyday environment, organising working groups, events and discussion across large parts of your organisation.

  • Developing personal relationships: You make a point of knowing all about the people who report directly to you. You build close yet professional relationships with all direct reports fostering good levels of trust.

Level 4

Has built themselves into an important cultural guardian through both signalling and empowering others. Goes out of their way to promote good behaviour and safeness for all. Is sharing the team's culture and wellbeing outwardly

  • Setting an example: You actively call out peers and seniors who you feel don't signal correctly to your team and yourself. You work to educate those in positions of power to be conscious of the example they're setting.

  • Encouraging diverse opinions: You're a core part of, or leading, a central initiative towards a fairer and safer workplace for all, including touching hiring strategy and coaching for key staff. You're a vocal champion for under-represented groups. You create safe spaces for debate.

  • Developing personal relationships: You're close enough to both your reports and your peers to be able to spot and debug issues with culture early and often. You can predict how people will work together and interact because you know their viewpoints on the world. You're coaching other leaders in their 1:1 and interpersonal techniques.

Level 5

Is building, or has built, a world-renowned culture, and is actively leveraged it outwardly. Has built a culture of openness and security for all staff across their organisation. Facilitates, empowers and champions others in their creation of team culture.

  • Setting an example: You're setting the cultural standard for your organisation - both documenting, championing and demonstrating the values you expect of everyone. You've built a position of cultural leadership business-wide.

  • Encouraging diverse opinions: You're turning the business into a recognised leader in diversity efforts - ensuring that not only are staff feeling happy and safe, but customers, clients and the wider industry is improving. This may involve speaking, writing or otherwise publicising your efforts.

  • Developing personal relationships: You're setting the bar company-wide for how to have good, trusted 1:1 relationships and maintain a close-knit team. You spend meaningful time with leaders who are struggling to connect - helping them to value and enjoy personal relationships with demonstrable effects.