
Software Architecture

The ability to interact and engage with architectural approaches of the organization.

Software Architecture

Level 1

Is able to design basic functions, avoiding duplication across codebases and interface-breaking changes based on an understanding of the overall service architecture

  • Reaction to feedback: You understand the feedback given and applies it consistently to your work.

  • Design: You are comfortable with the basics of code interface design, and are learning to be more intentional.

  • Technical debt: You can usually recognize technical debt and can pay it down when advised.

Level 2

Has a good understanding of, and designs functions that are aligned with, the overall service architecture

  • Design: You show a good intuition for code interface design.

  • Development: You consistently look for opportunities to learn from other projects and teams.

  • Technical debt: You consistently recognize technical debt and look for opportunities to negotiate and pay it down incrementally

Level 3

Is able to consistently design code that is aligned with the overall service architecture.

  • Code: You are able to utilize abstractions and code isolation effectively.

  • Design: You have deep architectural and design pattern experience. You consult with team members only on more difficult designs. You set up new projects to ensure architectural success by anticipating future use cases and making design decisions that minimize the cost of future changes

  • Technical debt: You make plans with technical debt in mind, and how you will pay it down incrementally and consistently. You advise other team members on recognising and considering it

Level 4

Regularly works across teams to build a culture for iterative, autonomous development and future scaling.

  • Design: You help several teams make design decisions that minimize the cost of future changes.

  • Development: You work with the architecture team to define cross- team architectural approaches. You sometimes employ prototyping for exploration of designs.

  • Technical debt: You understand technical debt as a long-term budgeting and risk management tool. You lead on when to incur more and when to pay it down.

Level 5

Works across the organization to build a culture for iterative, autonomous development and future scaling.

  • Design: You lead teams in the organization in anticipation of future use cases and helps them make design decisions that minimize the cost of future changes.

  • Experience: You introduce simpler and time-tested approaches to technical problems across multiple teams.

  • Strategy: You fuse organizational strategy with technical architecture, including cross team design and code sharing. You use prototyping as a primary tool for rigorous design exploration