
Visual Design

The ability to describe and execute interfaces and problems to a high quality of craft

Visual Design

Level 1

Is able to follow a style guide to produce smaller features. Has a good grounding in typography, colour and layout.

  • UI design: You produce work that respects the styling of the surrounding products and are visually up to standards.

  • Interaction: You make interaction decisions based on research and understanding of users expectations with the device you're designing for.

  • Visual communication outcomes: Your work consistently contributes to the ongoing needs of your team. You don't require heavy critique or support when taking on small projects.

Level 2

Is able to augment and adapt a style guide to what they need, building on it appropriately. Uses correct interaction paradigms, and can reason why.

  • UI design: You produced multiple medium to large scale pieces of visual design, successfully augmenting or extending the existing style guide.

  • Interaction: You can plan and design at least one major interaction design problem (e.g, native navigation pattern, onboarding) with a successful outcome (e.g, stayed in production, improved a core metric)

  • Visual communication outcomes: Your work is consistently strong, requiring only minor adjustments and critique. You're contributing design which pushes your product or project forwards in measurable ways.

Level 3

Is defining and improving the styling and experience of their product set. Leading and guiding others work, with effective critique.

  • UI design: You lead major projects, requiring significant adjustment or extension of the existing styles. You ensure that what you build is usable by others and compatible with the wider system.

  • Interaction: You lead major rethinking or designs of a product set, involving improvements to information architecture or interaction patterns. Your work leads to a demonstrably better experience for the end user.

  • Visual communication outcomes: Your work is significantly pushing at least one product forwards. You're trusted by peers and seniors to design and ship consistently exceptional design. You're mentoring other team members in their craft skills.

Level 4

Exceptional ability with visual design. Finger on the pulse of trends, tools and techniques. Regularly guiding others.

  • UI design: You have an appropriate, polished aesthetic for your product, which you've ensured is documented and accessible to other members of your team. You actively help others to adopt and build upon your foundation, coaching their design skills.

  • Interaction: You've lead projects in unknown or new form of interaction for your product, with demonstrable outcomes from your work. You guide the rest of the team in interaction best practices due to your understanding of how people interact with technology.

  • Visual communication outcomes: Your work is setting a precedent across your organisation, bringing whole product sets up to and beyond industry standards. You've shown the business the value of craft, and therefore created more space and time for whole teams to create better work.

Level 5

Is leading the company and influencing industry-wide design trends. Recognised and regularly contributing to the cutting edge of design trends, tooling and techniques. Constantly raising the bar of the look and feel of the products and experiences.

  • UI design: Your work is held up industry-wide as the gold standard in interface design. You're not just an extremely skilled craftsperson, but you understand how to drive adoption and advocate for quality in all situations. You're discovering or creating world-first workflows and tools.

  • Interaction: You're creating interaction paradigms that change how people use their phones, computers or other interfaces. You can point to pioneering interfaces and patterns that have been adopted above and beyond your immediate scope of influence.

  • Visual communication outcomes: Your output is everywhere, in the work of everyone in the business. You've transformed the visual and craft quality of the entire organisation through projects big and small, or a complete product-set wide overhaul. Customer love and design efficiency are up, and team pride and satisfaction are too.