

The ability to consistently act in the company’s best interest over your own - to act like an owner of the company. This is ultimately a barometer of how able you are to build trust within your team and organisation.


Level 1

Is demonstrating care over their work and time across basic tasks, with support

  • Accountability: you often own the outcomes of your work within your team

  • Prioritisation and delegation: you've questioned pieces of work you've been given and - with support - adjusted them to better fit what you believe is most important

  • Avoiding performative work: you've decided not to attend meetings that you've not found valuable, and let the organisers know why

  • Team over self: with support you've been thoughtful about what's best for the team as part of your everyday work

Level 2

Is thinking company-first across broad aspects of their role unsupported, and looking for opportunities to grow

  • Accountability: you consistently own the outcomes of your work within your team, without excuses

  • Avoiding performative work: you rarely do things to look present or busy and have optimised your day to get the most done that you can in the time you have.

  • Team over self: you've actively thought about how you can optimise your time to be more useful, and made changes accordingly including delegating tasks that you would like to take on

Level 3

Is constantly thinking in terms of where to add value and use their unique leverage within a team, and is taking on new responsibility wherever possible.

  • Accountability: you consistently own both successful and unsuccessful outcomes of your work across your team, without excuses. You're your own harshest critic.

  • Team over self: you've demonstrated comfort with challenging low value work for your team, actively re-prioritising when new information is available even if unpopular.

  • Avoiding performative work: you're constantly challenging yourself to work more efficiently, de-prioritising low value work unassisted and pro-actively communicating why.

Level 4

Thinks like a founder of their team. Actively levels up the ownership of others, uses ownership as a barometer against which they judge the quality and capability of teams. Trusted to drive key goals team and company-wide with lots of autonomy.

  • Accountability: you consistently own both successful and unsuccessful outcomes across major goals company-wide, without excuses. You're your own harshest critic. You drive others to be more accountable in their work.

  • Company over self: You consistently give away low leverage work even if it's highly visible. You challenge existing logic when needed on a team level even if it means spending personal equity.

  • Avoiding performative work: you challenge the priorities and time of others in empathetic ways, driving the organisation around you to be more thoughtful. You're highly sensitive to time poorly spent around you, and look to unblock.

Level 5

Through extreme trust and ownership, has become a pseudo organisation founder if they aren't one already. Completely trusted to take on and deliver the highest importance goals of the company with very little oversight.

  • Accountability: you consistently own the successful and unsuccessful outcomes of the organisation, without excuses. You're your own harshest critic. You drive other leaders to be more accountable in their work.

  • Company over self: You have a long history of seeing and taking on projects that don't carry clout but are essential to the success of the business. You don't expect praise, but get it anyway.

  • Avoiding performative work: You call out where teams are not optimising their time, bringing leaders back to what matters for the organisation if they've lost their way