Features -> Feedback

Request and give feedback

Request and give in-the-moment feedback and act on it right away. Feedback lives in Progression, so you and your team can refer back any time to evidence growth.


Help your team grow with a safe and welcoming feedback culture.

For teams

Ask for focused feedback anytime

It’s easy to request feedback from anyone in your company with Progression. Choose who you’d like to ask, and what you’d like feedback on — we’ll do the rest. Why not sync requests with upcoming 1:1s and Check-ins to demonstrate your value at key review moments?

For managers

Give in-the-moment feedback

Empower your team to grow with consistent, regular, targeted feedback. It’s easy to give via their Progression profile page, Slack or by simply entering feedback.new in your browser (you can add Wins this way too!)

For teams

Bring feedback to life with Actions

Act on the feedback you receive by creating Actions — they’ll help keep you focused and on track. Get into the habit of asking for feedback when you complete Actions too, to ensure your work is having a positive impact.

For teams

All your feedback, in one place

Your feedback lives in Progression, so you never lose track of it. Refer to feedback in your next Check-in or review to evidence your growth. Your manager can see it too, so everyone’s on the same page.

For managers

Have informed conversations

You can view your team’s feedback in Progression anytime, so you can easily help them act on it. And you can use it to support your 1:1s, Check-ins and review moments. Simple.

More from Progression

Get notified

You’ll be notified when you receive feedback via email, Slack and in-app.

Your feedback in context

You’ll see the recipients existing feedback, position and skills whenever you give feedback.

Demonstrate your growth

Evidence your development in key career moments with Feedback, Wins, Focus Skills and Actions.

Build world class careers in days not months

Find out how we can accelerate your team's career growth, today