#24: Jessie Hayes (Whereby, Box) on treating people like a product and keeping frameworks light

#24: Jessie Hayes (Whereby, Box) on treating people like a product and keeping frameworks light

Posted byJonny Burch on


This episode, Jonny chats to Jessie Hayes, VP People and Talent at Whereby, the London video platform.

As one of the first 'People people' on the pod, Jessie goes through her personal career journey to get to Whereby, through large companies (Goldman Sachs, Box) to small, then we dig into how to treat your people function like a product which your employees subscribe to (very novel and clever) and then get Jessie's thoughts on progression frameworks, where they've succeeded and failed and what they're doing about it at Whereby today as they scale to 160+.

Jessie's links:






Picture of Jonny Burch

Posted by Jonny Burch

Jonny is CEO at Progression


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