Podcast #12: Peter Merholz (Adaptive Path, Org Design for Design Orgs) on org design and ethics

Podcast #12: Peter Merholz (Adaptive Path, Org Design for Design Orgs) on org design and ethics

Posted byJonny Burch on


In this twelfth episode of the Progression Podcast I'm chatting to Peter Merholz, co-founder of Adaptive Path, long time speaker and blogger on design scaling and co-author of Org Design for Design Orgs (2016).

We get into the weeds on his back story, including learning how to write and speak confidently. We then got onto managing up, down and across, his book and the ethics of design (and a designers' role within it). Finally we got to some listener questions from various Slack channels that I hang out on.

Episode links

Twitter: https://twitter.com/peterme

Peter's blog: https://www.peterme.com/

Org Design for Design Orgs (Amazon) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Org-Design-Orgs-Peter-Merholz/dp/1491938404

Coach, Diplomat, Advocate, Architect. Peter's talk at Leading Design: https://vimeo.com/243666544

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Picture of Jonny Burch

Posted by Jonny Burch

Jonny is CEO at Progression


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